
Communicator. Advocate. Visionary. Chai Enthusiast. Collector of Christmas socks.

Most days you can find me in close proximity to my laptop, guitar, and warm caffeine with a checklist nearby.

I advocate for others by telling their stories through visual content that highlights their very best.

In my senior year of school at Georgia College, I’m taking every opportunity to invest time and effort into my final classes and fostering community with people who also crave challenging and encouraging conversation.

When I shut my laptop, I’m often headed to serve alongside my fellow ministry interns at the GC Wesley Foundation. My time at Wesley has emphasized how people are worth investing in, always. I’ve gained event planning experience and seen that creativity and heart go a long way.

There’s nothing I’d trade for the valuable marketing experience I gained at my internship with Magnolia Park Apartments, or the planning, administrative and advertising experience I gained during my internship with Network Under 40. Experiencing healthy company culture and being given creative license to try, improve and succeed really encouraged me to grow as an individual. 

My strengths lie in creative problem solving, graphic design, event production, and uniting people under a common cause. I’m a “get the job done” kind of person, a curious question-asker, and I’m fueled by open-minded conversations and the occasional Chick-Fil-A Kids Meal.

Let’s connect.